The Italian Job | |
John Powell | |
A Film by Paramount | |
Conducted by Pete Anthony | |
Orchestrations by Bruce Fowler, Suzette Moriarty, Ladd MacIntosh, Walter Fowler, Elizabeth Finch | |
Music Preparation by Bob Bornstein | |
Recorded at Todd-AO, The Record Plant | |
Soundtrack released on Varese Sarabande | |
Buy the CD! | | |
Select an instrument to view members of the Orchestra | ||
Bass Cello Horn Percussion Trombone Trumpet Tuba Viola Violin |
Violin | ||
Endre | Granat | Concertmaster | Julie | Gigante | Principal Second | Eun Mee | Ahn | Charlie | Bisharat | Jackie | Brand | Roberto | Cani | Kevin | Connolly | Franklyn | D'Antonio | Mario | De Leon | Armen | Garabedian | Galina | Golovin | Laurence | Greenfield | Alan | Grunfeld | Eric | Hosler | Miran | Kojian | Ana | Landauer | Sungil | Lee | Natalie | Leggett | Phil | Levy | Marina | Manukian | Erno | Neufeld | Robin | Olson | Sara | Parkins | Katia | Popov | Michele | Richards | Michele | Richards | Rafael | Rishik | Mark | Robertson | Anatoly | Rosinsky | Lisa | Sutton | Mari | Tsumura | Miwako | Watanabe | Ken | Yerke |