He's Just Not That Into You
Cliff Eidelman
A Film by New Line Cinema
Conducted by Cliff Eidelman
Orchestrations by Cliff Eidelman, Penka Kouneva Schweiger, Patrick Russ
Music Preparation by Julian Bratolyubov
Recorded at Newman Scoring Stage
Soundtrack released on New Line Records
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Select an instrument to view members of the Orchestra
Bass Bassoon Cello Clarinet Flute Guitar Harp Horn Keyboard Oboe Percussion Viola Violin
Rene Mandel Concertmaster
Eun Mee Ahn
Armen Anassian
Charlie Bisharat
Jackie Brand
Roberto Cani
Kevin Connolly
Franklyn D'Antonio
Julie Gigante
Agnes Gottschewski
Tamara Hatwan
Maia Jasper
Aimee Kreston
Ana Landauer
Sungil Lee
Songa Lee
Jinny Leem
Phil Levy
Lorand Lokuszta
Grace Oh
Alyssa Park
Radu Pieptea
Susan Rishik
Rafael Rishik
Mark Robertson
Anatoly Rosinsky
Josefina Vergara
Shalini Vijayan
Miwako Watanabe
Roger Wilkie